MAGICWAND Data Generator
What is Magicwand
Magicwand is a platform to provide high-quality, reliable, and reproducible data sets for low-and-slow DDoS attacks. With the use of Docker images and customizable JSON files, users can generate a multitude of network traffic PCAPS.
Data is generated by orchestrating configurable test with both benign and attack traffic targeting a system under test (SUT) using Docker on the user's machine.
Resulting data includes PCAP captures, experiment metadata, the SUT resource/consumption metrics, and more; data is stored locally with machine learning model development in mind.
Getting Started
This guide will walk through the basics of starting your first Magicwand experiment and producing your first PCAP.
Before you get started, you’re going to need a few things:
Hardware Requirements
Magicwand experiments consume a considerable amount of system resources, so we recommend that your machine has at least 8GB of RAM and 2 CPUS
Installing Magicwand
Magicwand is compatible with Python 3.6 or later. The simplest way to install Magicwand and its dependencies is from PyPI with pip, Python's preferred package installer.
$ pip install magicwand
Note that Magicwand is an active project and routinely publishes new releases. In order to upgrade Magicwand to the latest version, use pip as follows
$ pip install -U magicwand
In addition to the python package, Magicwand leverages prebuilt docker images to run experiments
You can build the images by running
$ bash images/
Using Magicwand
The Magicwand CLI provides a streamlined methodology to generate reproducible network traffic data. This section will walk through how we setup an experiment and produce data.
Initialize your Experiment
To begin we must first initialize your experiment directory.
$ magicwand init --folder test_magicwand
$ cd test_magicwand
This will create a new folder called test_magicwand with all the required configuration/orchestration files needed to run experiments on your local machine.
To learn more visit the CLI page for further details.
Calibrate Your Machine
After our experiment directory is created, we can now calibrate the attacks to create the desired effect based on your hardware resources. This is an optional step, but it does allow us to verify that your machine can run magicwand experiments. To learn more about the calibration process and methodology view the Calibration page for further details.
To start simply run
$ magicwand calibrate --attack apachekill
This command will roughly take 5 minutes to complete. It will run two experiments one with benign traffic only and one with attack traffic only. The goal is to see if the apache server is being affected in the desired way, with only one type of traffic. Once complete the calibrate JSON will be saved in the tuned_jsons folder.
This is an example output from calibration.
#Example Output
2020-10-28 17:29:27,197 | INFO : Running calibration for: apachekill
2020-10-28 17:29:27,201 - INFO - mw-log - Starting runs for data version: mw_calibrate_runs
2020-10-28 17:29:27,204 - INFO - mw-log - Running for 150 seconds
Creating network "suts_default" with the default driver
Creating suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Creating suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Creating suts_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing network suts_default
Running cfm You select: /home/tcpdump.pcap Out folder: /home CICFlowMeter received 1 pcap file
Working on... tcpdump.pcap
tcpdump.pcap is done. total 360 flows
Packet stats: Total=8570,Valid=8545,Discarded=25
2020-10-28 17:32:30,338 - INFO - mw-log - Benign Stats:
2020-10-28 17:32:30,339 - INFO - mw-log - 358 flows out of 359 flows: 1.0
2020-10-28 17:32:30,339 - INFO - mw-log - Attack Stats:
2020-10-28 17:32:30,339 - INFO - mw-log - 0 flows out of 359 flows: 0.0
2020-10-28 17:32:30,361 - INFO - mw-log - Finished Run 1 Successfully
2020-10-28 17:32:30,368 - INFO - mw-log - Starting runs for data version: mw_calibrate_runs
2020-10-28 17:32:30,370 - INFO - mw-log - Running for 150 seconds
Creating network "suts_default" with the default driver
Creating suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Creating suts_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Creating suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Stopping suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Removing suts_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing network suts_default
Running cfm You select: /home/tcpdump.pcap Out folder: /home CICFlowMeter received 1 pcap file
Working on... tcpdump.pcap
tcpdump.pcap is done. total 4461 flows
Packet stats: Total=28584,Valid=28559,Discarded=25
2020-10-28 17:35:43,252 - INFO - mw-log - Benign Stats:
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - 234 flows out of 4460 flows: 0.05
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - Attack Stats:
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - 4225 flows out of 4460 flows: 0.95
2020-10-28 17:35:43,517 - INFO - mw-log - Finished Run 1 Successfully
2020-10-28 17:35:43,555 - INFO - mw-log - Checking results...
2020-10-28 17:35:43,555 - INFO - mw-log - Calibration Completed Successfully
2020-10-28 17:35:43,562 - INFO - mw-log - Calibration Process Finished
Run Your Experiment
Now we are ready run out first experiment. To start simply invoke the run
command as follows
$ magicwand run --config configs/mw_locust-apachekill.json --count 1 --data_version apachekill_runs
This will start one run using the apachekill attack configuration and save the results to data_runs/apachekill_runs
This command will roughly take 5 minutes to complete, here is some example output
2020-09-01 13:03:02,463 - INFO - mw-log - Starting runs for data version: test_runs
2020-09-01 13:03:02,463 - INFO - mw-log - Running for 300 seconds
Creating network "run_configs_default" with the default driver
Creating run_configs_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Creating run_configs_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Creating run_configs_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Creating run_configs_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Stopping run_configs_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Stopping run_configs_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Stopping run_configs_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Stopping run_configs_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing run_configs_mw-client-rtt-tracker_1 ... done
Removing run_configs_mw-client-smartswarm_1 ... done
Removing run_configs_mw-attack-apachekill_1 ... done
Removing run_configs_mw-sut-apachewp_1 ... done
Removing network run_configs_default
Running cfm You select: /home/tcpdump.pcap Out folder: /home CICFlowMeter received 1 pcap file
Working on... tcpdump.pcap
tcpdump.pcap is done. total 4461 flows
Packet stats: Total=28584,Valid=28559,Discarded=25
2020-10-28 17:35:43,252 - INFO - mw-log - Benign Stats:
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - 234 flows out of 4460 flows: 0.05
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - Attack Stats:
2020-10-28 17:35:43,253 - INFO - mw-log - 4225 flows out of 4460 flows: 0.95
2020-09-01 13:04:04,998 - INFO - mw-log - Finished Run 1 Successfully
2020-09-01 13:05:26,552 - INFO - mw-log - ALL IPs present
2020-09-01 13:06:36,705 - INFO - mw-log - All verifications passed
2020-09-01 13:07:41,509 - INFO - mw-log - Run Process Finished
Once finished we can view the output files in the folder data_runs/apachekill_run/*/
$ ls data_runs/apachekill_run/*/
apache_stats.csv ip_map_client.csv mem_stats.csv tcpdump.pcap
cic_flow_labeled.csv ip_map_rtt.csv rtt_stats.csv tcpdump.pcap_Flow.csv
ip_attr_map.csv ip_map_sut.csv run_config.json tcpdump_verify.csv
ip_map_attack.csv locust_4ce7ab68e5df.csv run_parms.json verify_run.json
To learn more about each file visit the Data page for further details. To learn more about the run command visit the CLI page for further details.
Advanced Usage
The follow section will walk through running advanced experiments.
Changing Configurations
The configurations files are very flexible allowing you to change up the parameters to fit your use case. To edit the overall run, you will edit the JSON file in the configs folder. To edit each component, you edit the files in the magicwand_components directory.
This section will show you some example configurations to produce a variety of PCAPs. To see the full configuration options visit the Configuration page for further details.
No Attack Experiment
To generate a PCAP without attack traffic simply remove the attack parameter from the JSON file. The JSON file provided is an example to do a no attack experiment.
"benign": "mw_locust",
"sut": "mw_apache_wp",
"rtt": "mw_rtt_sensor",
"run_type": "mw-locust-only"
60 second Sockstress attack with staggered clients
This configuration will have Sockstress run for the first 60 seconds, and then stop, while the clients continue to ping server.
"attack": "sockstress",
"benign": "mw_locust",
"sut": "mw_apache_wp",
"rtt": "mw_rtt_sensor",
"run_type": "mw-locust-sockstress"
{"client_options": {"stagger":"ON","num_ips": 20, "client_duration": 300, "locust_duration": 60, "wait_max": 60, "seed": "None"}, "benign": "mw_locust", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/benign/mw_locust.yml"}
{"attack_options": {"packet_delay": 5000, "attack_duration": 60, "attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sockstress", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sockstress.yml"}
Client Keepalive Random Experiment Slowread
This configuration will have a Slowread attack, and locust clients that will randomly send HTTP keepalive on or off messages to the server.
"attack": "sht_slowread",
"benign": "mw_locust",
"sut": "mw_apache_wp",
"rtt": "mw_rtt_sensor",
"run_type": "mw-locust-sht_slowread"
{"client_options": {"stagger":"ON","num_ips": 20, "client_duration": 300, "locust_duration": 60, "wait_max": 60 "keepalive":"RANDOM"}, "benign": "mw_locust", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/benign/mw_locust.yml"}
{"attack_options": {"connections_per_sec": 256, "attack_duration": 300, "num_connections": 16384,"attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sht_slowread", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sht_slowread.yml"}