The following explains the fields mean for each Magicwand component JSONs, and how you can customize it for your experiments.
Each Magicwand experiment is started from a base config in the configs folder. Experiments can have an attack, benign or both components set.
- attack - Attack component to use (optional)
- benign - Benign component to use (optional)
- sut - SUT component to use (required)
- rtt - rtt component to use (required)
- run_type - Name prefix for run folder (required)
Example Config
"attack": "apachekill",
"benign": "mw_locust",
"sut": "mw_apache_wp",
"rtt": "mw_rtt_sensor",
"run_type": "mw-locust-apachekill"
This is our specialized benign locust client
benign - Name of benign client
- client_options - Options for client image
- num_ips - Number of unique IPs to use
- client_duration - How long image should send traffic
- locust_duration - How long individual locusts send traffic
- wait_max - Maximum time to wait before starting a client
- stagger - Options to stagger clients
- ON - Will randomly stagger between 0 and WAIT_MAX seconds each client
- OFF - No stagger, will use default locust settings
- keepalive - Options to set http keepalive for clients
- ON - http keepalive is on, this is default behavior
- OFF - http keepalive is off
- RANDOM - http keepalive will randomly be on or off for each client request
- seed - Unsigned 32 bit int used as a seed for all python random module generations (None if don’t want to set)
- traffic_behavior - 24 character string of either ABCDEFGH representing traffic intensity per hour on a scale from 1 - 128 (default if don’t want to change)
- client_options - Options for client image
compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
"client_options": {
"stagger": "ON",
"num_ips": 20,
"client_duration": 300,
"locust_duration": 300,
"wait_max": 60
"keepalive": "ON"
"traffic_behavior": "default"
"seed": "None"
"benign": "mw_locust",
"compose-file": "magicwand_components/benign/mw_locust.yml"
This is the apachekill attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- ak_num_threads - Number of threads to spawn
- ak_num_ips - How many IPs to spawn
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- ak_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"ak_num_threads": 50, "ak_num_ips": 20, "attack_delay": 15, "ak_duration": 300}, "attack": "apachekill", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/apachekill.yml"}
This is the Sockstress attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- packet_delay: How long to wait before requests (lower is stronger)
- attack_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"packet_delay": 5000, "attack_duration": 300, "attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sockstress", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sockstress.yml"}
This is the Goloris attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- worker_count: How many processes to spawn,
- ramp_up_interval: How quickly processes spawn
- attack_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"worker_count": 16, "ramp_up_interval": 1, "attack_delay": 15, "attack_duration": 300}, "attack": "goloris", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/goloris.yml"}
This is the sht_rudeadyet attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- connections_per_sec: How many connections to spawn per second
- attack_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- num_connections": Number of connections to make
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"connections_per_sec": 256, "attack_duration": 300, "num_connections": 16384,"attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sht_rudeadyet", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sht_rudeadyet.yml"}
This is the sht_slowloris attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- connections_per_sec: How many connections to spawn per second
- attack_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- num_connections": Number of connections to make
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"connections_per_sec": 256, "attack_duration": 300, "num_connections": 16384,"attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sht_rudeadyet", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sht_slowloris.yml"}
This is the sht_slowread attack client
- attack - Name of attack
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- connections_per_sec: How many connections to spawn per second
- attack_duration: How long the attack will go on for
- num_connections": Number of connections to make
- attack_delay - How long to wait before attack starts
- attack_options - Options for attack image
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"attack_options": {"connections_per_sec": 256, "attack_duration": 300, "num_connections": 16384,"attack_delay": 15}, "attack": "sht_rudeadyet", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/attacks/sht_slowread.yml"}
This is the mw_apache_wp SUT
- sut - Name of SUT
- max_clients - Maximum number of httpd processes that can spawn
- run_duration - How long Magicwand run is
- pcap_snap_length - How many bytes to capture per packet from tcpdump
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
Example Config
{"pcap_snap_length": 400 , "max_clients": 250, "run_duration": 300, "sut": "mw_apache_wp", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/suts/mw_apache_wp.yml"}
This is the rtt sensor
- rtt - Name of rtt sensor
- compose-file - The docker compose file for this component
- timeout - How many seconds for request to wait before timeout
Example Config
{"rtt":"mw_rtt_sensor", "compose-file": "magicwand_components/sensors/mw_rtt_sensor.yml", "timeout": 2}